As a small business owner, you’re no stranger to the challenges that come with growth. At New Frontier, we realize that conducting an HR audit is probably not at the top of your ‘to do’ list.

You’ve poured your heart and soul into building your business, acquiring customers, getting sales, and even hiring your first few employees. Congratulations!

But if you also feel like you recently hit a roadblock, we can help.

You know there’s untapped potential in your people just waiting to be unleashed, but you’re not quite sure how to navigate the next steps. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many business owners find themselves in a similar position, feeling frustrated and stuck, unsure of what changes are needed to propel their business forward.

Our HR audit’s are designed to give you piece of mind, stay compliant, create a plan for growth, and invest in your human capital.

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We Understand Your Pain

We understand the struggles that small business owners face. From juggling countless responsibilities to managing employees and overseeing operations, there is a lot that goes into getting your business sustainable. It’s no wonder you sometimes feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. But here’s the good news: You don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

Our 4M process is designed to get your small business from stuck to scaled.

Mindset – Learn to think like the owner.

Management – of your people and processes.

Marketing – getting known, found, and talked about online.

Money – Have more so you can do more good.

The Power of an HR Audit

When your business grows, so does your need for regulatory compliance. While hiring an employee should be easy, it rarely is. This is especially true if aren’t clear on your business’s hiring principles.

Then, there may be additional requirements once you reach a certain employment threshold. For example, once a California employer has five employees they are legally required to offer sexual harassment training. 

One of the most powerful tools in our arsenal is the HR Audit. This is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate every aspect of your HR department.

We examine compliance with labor laws, to the organization of employee files. We’ll review your processes, documentation, job descriptions, safety logs, and more.

Think of it as a deep dive into the heart of your business, uncovering hidden opportunities for improvement and growth.

One of the primary benefits of our HR Audit is our ability to limit your company’s potential liability and risk of non-compliance. Consider this: Every incorrect or missed detail on an I9 form could result in a penalty of $272 per error. For a small business, these mistakes can quickly add up, leaving you vulnerable to significant financial repercussions. Our HR Audit helps identify and rectify these issues before they escalate, providing you with peace of mind and protecting your bottom line.

Enhanced Protection

The benefits of an HR Audit extend far beyond risk mitigation. By evaluating your current processes and procedures, we can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. We’ll review your entire employee lifecycle from recruiting to termination.

Think of it this way: by asking one applicant certain questions, asking another applicant different questions could potentially open your business up to a discrimination claim. 

So whether it’s streamlining your file storage system or implementing standardized job descriptions, our goal is to optimize your HR department for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

We do this because we believe that every business has the potential to thrive. Our HR Audit isn’t just about identifying problems – it’s about empowering you with the knowledge and tools you need to unlock your business’s full potential. From ensuring compliance with labor laws to implementing best practices for employee management, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Take The Next Step

If you’re feeling frustrated and stuck in your business, it’s time to take action. With our HR Audit services, you can gain the clarity and confidence you need to propel your business forward. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – let us help you unleash your business’s true potential.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule your HR Audit and take the next step in your small businesses growth.