Executive Coaching Overview

A quick search for “coaches near me” can return a dizzying about of return hits. How can you possibly choose between coaches, and how do you know if you’ve got a good one? There are a few key things to consider. Their practice, their process, and their performance.

Executive Coaching Overview Product Information Image

Justin’s Executive Coaching Practice

 I frequently get asked how I got into coaching. Let me give you the short(ish) version of the story.

I had an executive coach the year before I started my doctoral program. It was a great experience and Jeff helped me grow in many areas as a young leader. When I started my doctoral program, it was required that I get another coach.

It was Mike who opened my eyes to coaching as a profession. At the time, I was researching leadership burn out. I wasn’t entirely sure “what I wanted to do with my life” but I knew I wanted to help people, especially other leaders facing burnout. As I was wrestling through that frustration with Mike, he looked me straight in the eye and said, “You know Justin, you can do something about it. You could be a coach those your heart is hurting for.”

That started my journey into coaching. I got training from Co-Active Institute, reached out to some friends, threw up some ads, and got a few clients.

 Since then, I’ve spent a decade in the trenches with business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders from all walks of life. My burning desire in life is to help them overcome limiting beliefs, champion a new mindset, serve those around them with excellence, and leave a legacy of influence and impact on the world.

Justin’s Executive Coaching Process

Needless to say, my philosophy and practice of coaching has changed over the last decade. From wanting to coach “anyone and everyone”, I’m now very clear about who I help. My executive coaching is for business owners serious about reaching the next level of performance.

I’m a firm believer that the modern education system has failed business owners.

Think about it.

In school, you show up at 8, do some english, progress to math, transition to science, take a lunch break, and then head back to the room for history. About halfway through the day, your teacher gives you a recess break.

In the modern work environment, you show up at 8, check your emails, attend staff meeting, make some sales calls, take a lunch break, and then go back to your cubicle (or service counter) for some customer service. About halfway through the day, your boss gives you a 10 minute break.

As a business owner, if you think like an employee, your business is doom. My process of coaching helps business owners and leaders break free of the employee mindset, create systems and processes for continual improvement, and learn how to truly be successful.

Justin’s Executive Coaching Performance

As they say, the proof is in the pudding. What proof do I have that I’ll deliver? Our consistent 5-star reviews and stories of transformed lives are key. If you’re curious about what coaching can do for you, I invite you to reach out and schedule a complimentary call to see if executive coaching is right for you.